Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Laughing Clubs!

I am as of late reading A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, by Daniel H Pink. This is an interesting read regarding the creative mind and how our future depends on the people who can lead in creative directions. Now that many jobs are outsourced to other countries, we will need to develop other means of maintaining jobs here and the creative mind is going to be where that happens! I want to share with you one particular aspect he discusses in his book and that is about laughing clubs. I had heard these existed, but had never really learned anything about them; however, after reading about this, I thought how great a club would be for healing the hurt heart following divorce. Laughter truly is incredible medicine. Can’t picture yourself at a laughing club meeting? These are based on Yoga actually and were designed by a Yoga master, the wife of the man who started these clubs in India. Don’t totally disregard the idea until you check it out. I googled “laughing clubs” to see if I could find one close to home, but couldn’t find one. If there is one near you, give it a try and let me know what you think!!! If a laughing club doesn’t suit you, try renting some funny movies. Having a good belly laugh releases stress and according to a study at the University of Maryland, laughing helps reduce your chances of heart disease. Check out their website: http://www.umm.edu/features/laughter.htm Laughter is good for the heart and good for the soul! Find someone to laugh with and laugh your way back to happiness.


rose said...

I would like to participate in a laughing club,however, there is non in Memphis. should we start one?

rose said...

I think it would be great if we start a laughing club in Memphis, TN. Rose

Unknown said...

A laughing club would be great!